Affiliate Marketing with Istockhomes could seem complicated but it’s not.
What do we sell? Domains. Along with other items of value but here I’ll be focused I’ll be explaining domains.
Some of the domains that are for sale are just domains, some of the domains come with a website and some of the domains come with a Website, a Facebook Page, and an active Facebook Group.
The price of the domain varies depending upon the age of the domain and how much it has been built up.
With Affiliate Marketing and helping us sell domains, we have opted not to use any affiliate platform or to provide you with any silly affiliate link to give you false hopes that you can just drop an image on your social media channel and receive some big check that will probably never arrive.
Instead, we have decided to put the prices upfront on our website and offer a flat 20% commission.
We have also decided that the most secure and honest way to give everyone a fair hand and an honest transaction is to allow anyone who knows how to market a way to control the transaction to make sure you, the seller, don’t get left out of the deal.
Here is how it works.
1st: find a domain that you want to sell,
2nd: Find a buyer that wants to purchase the domain.
3rd: Contact an escrow company to contact us.
4th: When you find a buyer, contact myself, so, that I’m aware of the upcoming transaction.
5th: wait for my response and then have your buyer place their funds with the escrow company.
6: When we know that the escrow company has the funds secured, we will transfer the domain ownership, or the website ownership to the new owner.
7: when the transfer is completed, the escrow company will release your commission directly to you and we at Istockhomes will receive our money at the same time. No need for you to send us money, and no need for us to send you money. We believe this is the best way for all parties involved.
If you have any questions about how this is going to work please feel free to contact myself Brad Camp via email