Business Development

Have you ever wanted to become an entrepreneur? Listened to a bunch of videos and read a pile of books only to find out that everyone says pretty much the same thing while giving you no idea on how or where to get started?

Well, here is something you may not have heard, there is a difference between an entrepreneur and a creative thinker.

An entrepreneur or needs to be outgoing, assertive, forward-thinking, motivated, driven, social, a good manager and more. Sometimes a person would like to be an entrepreneur yet lacks only one thing that seems to be missing for them. The thing that is missing is a starting point, a creative idea, and then maybe a direction and a map. 

I’m more of a creative thinker than an entrepreneur. In my downtime: I enjoy being alone, thinking, drawing, writing, creativity (seeing something in my mind’s eye and bringing it to life), etc.

If you are finding that you want to be an entrepreneur but have no idea where to start or how to get going. Hit me up maybe we can work together to get you started down your path to financial freedom.

Call, Brad Camp: 250-816-8577