
  • Opportunity lost.

    Opportunity lost.

    It seems like an intermediary enters the equation only when the business owner wants to exit? I don’t mean to put a downer on business ownership but shouldn’t business intermediaries get in on ground level? Here is my thought. There are very few chiefs, a few leaders, and lots of workers. If we as intermediaries…

  • The best time to hire an intermediary

    The best time to hire an intermediary

    The best time to hire an intermediary depends on your specific needs and goals. However, in general, you may want to consider hiring an intermediary when: Overall, the best time to hire an intermediary is when you need expert advice and guidance to achieve your specific business goals. Can an intermediary help you develop your…

  • Be very guarded with your business

    Be very guarded with your business

    Be very guarded with your business There are different documents that you should be aware of when building your business. One is a non-disclosure agreement, another a no-competition agreement, a partnership agreement and more. Below are a few you should be aware of. Partnership Agreement. In starting a business quite often someone has a bright…